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Moving Back to Canada

Resources for Expatriate Canadians returning to Canada after living in the U.S. or further abroad

Retire in Canada

Welcome to the resource page for Canadians living in the U.S. and further abroad who are moving back to Canada to retire and live the good life they have worked hard for! Here you will find resources specific to your retirement context.

The main Moving Back to Canada resource page has a timeline and full path for preparing to return. It also includes links to special topics and countries of origin. So be sure to check it out as well!

Topics & Resources

How to retire in Canada in a healthy, safe way


Retiring in Canada during these times of tremendous change in the world does seem like a good idea, doesn't it?

Well, it can be a good idea to retire in Canada!

Every year I help dozens of Canadians make the move back from the U.S., UK, Hong Kong, Dubai, Australia, and many other countries to retire in Canada.

Most of have just two real complaints:

"It is not as warm in Canada as we would like!"

And "Why is real estate so expensive in Canada?"

The benefits?

Here are the top reasons Canadians are returning to retire in Canada, as explained to me by my clients:

Healthy lifestyle when moving back to Canada to retire

All great reasons and despite some concerning changes in Canada in the last 2 years that tarnish Canada's reputation somewhat you can still achieve a great retirement life style here!

A return to Canada for retirement does come with some challenges to be aware of and prepare for....

Here are areas clients have requested the most help with:

A general tip on making your move smoother and easier from G. Lundun, a client who moved to Victoria, BC to retire after many years in the U.S.:

People make all the difference! Find organizations to get help from. Reach out to professionals. Ask for help! Recognize you need help with moving back and ask yourself: Who do I know in my network?

Build a team!

Have professionals and a team help you move back to Canada

After his move, Mr. Lundun shared more thoughts with me that will be helpful to Canadians returning to retire in Canada, including about how "electronic" the world has become. For example, he suggested having someone help you navigate government systems. He noted that to apply for public medical insurance in BC he had to upload his scanned ID, which was difficult to do. And simply learning to get things done once more in Canada was a challenge, such as finding a car repair shop you can trust. More reasons to reach out and ask for help!

This "retire in Canada" resource page is the result of generous contributions of people like Mr. Lundun and our collective wish to help other Canadians!

Please share your experiences, tips, and insights to enrich this resource!

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Retirement-Friendly Places in Canada

Retiree-friendly locations in Canada

The choice of where to move to in Canada to retire is sometimes a "given" for those moving back. They will go back to where they originally left, where they still own a property, where their children and grandchildren are living, and/or where their friends are.


However, for many people this "assumption" may not work out the way they thought. They have personally changed in the years and decades they have been away and now have different needs and wants, the location they knew and loved has changed, and their family and friends have changed and may not even live there anymore! So it really makes sense to ask two questions before you settle on a location in Canada to move back to:

  1. "What do we need and want?" Take time to fully detail your desired retirement needs and wants and then list the top 5 attributes of a place that you absolutely must have and 5 more "wants" under those. Try hard to ignore your memories of places you know/knew in Canada so that you get a fresh consideration of who you are now and what you want your future to look like.
  2. "Where in Canada would our top 5 attributes be met and most of our wants, too?" Then use Google to search for "Best places to retire in Canada". There are many links and many listings. Look for the places in those lists that match your top 5 attributes. You will then have a list of maybe 5-10 +/- places you can research individually more deeply to see how each matches your "wants" as well.

Please note that I am not suggesting that moving to be near one of your children, for example, may not be the best choice for you. It may be. However, it is the nature of "assuming" it is that is the problem. I am only suggesting a thoughtful consideration of your current reality, your future needs and wants, and the reality of other people you are putting into your lifestyle vision.

Favourite Places in Canada for Retirees

The above said, I have worked with hundreds of retirees moving back and if you are looking for some indication of where the most satisfied ones ended up in Canada I can offer these places for your consideration. If nothing else you can use them to help prompt consideration your needs and wants. Note: The list is not in a particular order other than "west to east" in Canada and there is no judgement of any of them in any way.

Summary: There are many wonderful places to consider for retirement in Canada. The above can give you a sense of some of the places other retirees choose. One final word: The provinces that people choose for retirement from my experience? #1 choice is BC for lifestyle, climate, and geography. #2 choice is Ontario for family reasons. #3 is tied between Alberta, Quebec, and Nova Scotia for "cultural familiarity" reasons.

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Real Estate and Lifestyle

This is another important area of consideration by many returning Canadians. Why? Because your tastes and lifestyle preferences have likely changed significantly since you last lived in Canada. Moreover, you are now at a different life stage than when you left!

While in your mind you may have created a dream Canadian location, house, and lifestyle many years and decades ago, the reality of your current life stage means you may have re-visit this dream and determine if it is still realistic and desirable.

Some considerations:

Buy a house or condominium in Canada when you retire?

An insightful story shared in early 2022 by Terry M. on credit, renting versus buying, and having investments versus pensions:

Our move home has been wonderful on so many fronts. Seeing our kids regularly, biking in fresh air on great trails and going to Blue Jays games are but a few.

However we have had one major headache that I wanted to mention so others can consider options with a little more insight. We elected to rent a home on return to Canada and given the real estate madness in Canada we are going to continue to rent for the foreseeable future. We like the idea of the freedom it gives as we may enjoy trying out different parts of this beautiful country. We also liked keeping our portfolio intact which has allowed us to retire and live comfortably off the returns it provides.

Now having a decent portfolio is a good thing but we found trying to rent a place as a retired couple with no pensions, no credit score and little history in Canada for many years to be a major hurdle. In the end we paid 4 months rent up front and went through an interview with the guy we eventually rented from. We also had to show documents verifying part of our portfolio. We thought we had it made financially when we came home but that is almost not enough to overcome a situation that is not traditional.

We are amazed that 3 years and 8 months later we have been given notice by our landlord and are running into similar problems again. In spite of the fact that we now have a very good credit score and an excellent reference from our current landlord we are finding hesitancy to rent to a retired couple with no pension. It is frustrating that because we have a non traditional situation by Canadian standards we are on an uphill battle to rent.

None of this is a reason to jump into a real estate market that can devastate a portfolio but renting has it's hurdles.

Anyone got a nice townhouse to rent to a retired couple in Southern Ontario?
Read More

Considerations: Terry's story highlights many issues that have been a reality and continue to be now in 2024: Complicated real estate rental contexts in parts of Ontario, what happens when you don't have a "normal" appearing financial context, and how credit ratings may or may not help you. One tip: If you find that one part of Canada is not working then consider somewhere else in the province or country. Forcing things to work when it is clearly a big challenge may get you what you want but at a cost of stress and perhaps an awareness, realized too late, that "I could have had better!" by going somewhere else!

Thank you for sharing your experiences and insights, Terry!

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Important Considerations

I could write a book on "how to retire in Canada" from my experience working with hundreds of returning Canadians who have move back. There are many areas to consider. For the purposes of providing a succinct and useful resource, here are what my clients and I feel are the most important considerations:

Pensions and taxes

Pensions and taxes in Canada

To start: A pension terminology chart

Each country has its pension and retirement savings systems and legal structures. Whether public or private, these systems have their own distinct names and rules. Canada has public retirement plans, private ones (employer-based), and ones you personally contribute to and manage yourself.

Here is a chart to help you bridge your understanding of pension system from those of the country you are currently living in to Canada's pension and retirement savings structures:

{Reading this on your phone? The table below is best viewed in "landscape" mode on your phone, on a tablet, or on your laptop/desktop computer}




Hong Kong

Canada Pension Plan - "CPP". A mandatory contributory program. You pay into it through direct deductions by your employer who also contributes a portion. In 2021 this is 5.45% of your pensionable earnings each, totaling 10.9% of your pay. CPP can start as early as age 55 and as late as age 70. Social Security. A mandatory contributory program. Like the CPP you pay into it. In 2021 this was 6.2% by the employer and 6.2% by the individual, totaling 12.4%. Social Security can start at age 62 and as late as age 70. Basic State Pension - "BSP" and New State Pension - "nSP" . These programs are more complicated than in Canada or the U.S. and are interlinked with other "additional pensions" and "pension guarantee". Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme - "MPF". As the name implies, it is a "mandatory" contributory program. Like the UK it is somewhat complex. Contribution rates are 5% employer and 5% employee, totaling 10%. Superannuation. An employer contributory program - 9.5% in early 2021 but this rate increased by 0.5% on July 1, 2021. Employees can voluntarily contribute as well. The government is increasing the minimum starting age to 60 in the future. Like the UK the program is complicated than those in Canada or the U.S.
Old Age Security - "OAS". Entirely funded by the Government of Canada. Based on the number of years you live in Canada - minimum 10 years since you were 18. There is a "clawback" for high income retirees. Starts at age 65 (No direct equivalent). While the U.S. does have Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Federal Old Age, Survivor and Disability Insurance (OASDI) they are primarily for very low-income recipients, not everyone. Additional State Pension. Formula driven and based on income, it is paid alongside the BSP or nSP. Available to everyone. The starting age varies depending on a formula. Social Security Allowance Scheme. Government funded. Different amounts for different ages and where you live. Starts at age 65. Age Pension. Like the OAS in Canada, government funded and starts at age 67 now.
Registered Retirement Savings Plan - RRSP. Contributions are made pre-tax and a tax credit is granted for the year of contribution. The amount you can contribute varies based on your previous year's income and how much has been contributed to your employer pension in a tax year. Withdrawals are taxable and can start at any age. An RRSP can be contributed to and be kept until age 71 when contributions end and it must be converted into a Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF). 401k & IRA. These are not exactly the same as a Canadian RRSP but similar. The 401k is employer sponsored and the IRA is an independent fund. Canada recognizes the U.S. 401k and IRA as pension income. Similarly, the U.S. recognizes Canadian RRSP income as pension income. Personal pensions & NEST pensions. The UK system is quite different from the Canadian one as government and employer pensions are more dominant. That said, there are different kinds of personal pension options for self-employed individuals. (no direct equivalent). The MPF is dominant in Hong Kong and there are private pensions but there is no direct equivalent to the Canadian RRSP in Hong Kong. Retirement Savings Accounts - RSA's. Offered by institutions, these are private contribution pensions. The operate similarly to the Superannuation system.
Tax Free Savings Account - TFSA. This is one of Canada's best tools for saving for retirement. Every year as an adult you may contribute up to $7,000 (2024 amount) to a TFSA. It can be a self-directed investment account (stocks, ETF's, etc.) or simply held at a bank in GIC's, for example. Contributions are made after-tax but the earnings within the TFSA and withdrawals are tax-free. No penalties for withdrawals at any age and withdrawals are added to next year's contribution room. No age limit - your contribution room grows annually and you can contribute annually until you are 100 years old if you wish. Roth IRA. The Roth IRA is similar but more restrictive than the Canadian TFSA. The Canadian TFSA is not recognized by the IRS as pension income and does not receive tax preference there. Inversely, however, Canada does recognize Roth IRA withdrawals as non-taxable pension income. A tax filing is required when you move back to Canada to guarantee Roth IRA income becomes non-taxable in Canada. Individual Savings Account - ISA. Very similar to the U.S. Roth IRA and Canadian TFSA. (no direct equivalent). Hong Kong does not have anything similar. But note that the tax structure of Hong Kong is much lower than Canada or the U.S. (no direct equivalent). However, individuals can contribute to their Superannuation to increase their retirement savings.

And now, a few general pension considerations:

Generally, retiring in Canada works well if you are moving back from the U.S., UK, Australia, and New Zealand, specifically. Why? Because these countries have both strong tax treaties with Canada and reciprocal pension arrangements.

Tip: As you plan your retirement move back to Canada consider engaging the support of a professional to help you plan your savings/investment move, income in Canada transition, and to plan for dual-country filing of taxes. For Canadians returning from the U.S. this is particularly important because you will have to "dual-file" tax returns for at least the first year and most likely indefinitely.

Is the cost of hiring a professional of concern to you? One piece of guidance I offer my clients often saves them 2x, 5x, 10x or more times my fee. Here it is:

Don't use your U.S. or foreign bank to send your money to Canada! Use a dedicated foreign exchange company. If you are sending USD $10,000 or more to Canada then foreign exchange firms can give you a much better exchange rate than a bank. And they charge lower or no extra fees, likely saving you at least hundreds of dollars and possibly many thousands of dollars on very large sums exchanged and transferred!

See my Foreign Exchange resources page for more on this topic and suggestions of trusted foreign exchange companies recommended by other returning Canadians.

Retiring to Canada from Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore, and other, less-connected countries

Warm country lifestyles are great for Canadian retirees

While many countries have tax treaties with Canada, these treaties are often much less formal than the U.S. / Canada tax treaty, for example. And there are no pension or other provisions made between Canda and these countries. In this case your return to Canada is really one that offers you both more freedom and requires more care.

Questions arise, such as:

"Should we bring all our investments and money back to Canada?"

"Will we be taxed on the savings we bring back to Canada in a lump sum?" (Short answer: No!)

"Because we don't have pensions, will we have enough money to retire in Canada?"

If you are moving back from further abroad than the U.S. consider an extended visit before you move permanently. This will allow you to get many questions answered, build a team to help you, and really understand whether moving back makes sense at all. When I first wrote this resource, a senior Canadian was considering moving back from Thailand, where he lived very inexpensively.

The photo (above/right) is the view from his home there. Perhaps he should consider staying in Thailand, at least every winter?

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Timing and organizing your move

There is no perfect time to move back to Canada. And your move will take a lot of organizing. No way around this reality. However, here are some suggestions that can make your move back to Canada smoother:

What to do 12 months ahead of your move back to Canada

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Logistics: The move itself

For many returning Canadians the physical move itself is daunting. Some have lived in their homes in the U.S., UK, Hong Kong, Thailand, or Australia for decades. So the "move" is a challenge logistically: Deciding what to keep and what to sell from years and decades of accumulating belongings, then packing, and then finally moving their household.

And if the move is a "downsize" to a smaller home or condominium?

There are clearly psychological considerations as well! All those belongings you have had for decades and must now choose whether to keep or sell / give away? They have memories attached! Some have very dear memories. What to let go and what to take with you is never an easy decision. Compounded with a move to another country? Even more time and care is needed.

Moving back to Canada to retire is different from moving abroad when you were 25 years old. The logistics include much more than simply "Pack up the uHaul! Let's head back to Canada!"

"How much should we do ourselves?"

Canadians as a whole are an independent bunch. When we are 25 years old packing and moving is usually something we do ourselves, maybe with the help of a few family members and friends and with pizza and beer for all as a reward for loading the truck.

Moving back when you are 65 years old with lots of stuff to pack and often moving from far away is a completely different matter. Though we may still feel highly independent, hiring professionals to move us can be a relief and also physically and mentally healthier than trying to do it all yourselves.

Suggestion: If you are downsizing dramatically to a small quantity of household belongings, and are moving from the U.S. for example, packing and moving yourself is still very doable, and may be a refreshing part of your return to Canada. If, however, this scenario does not fit your reality, consider the cost of professional movers an investment in the start of your new life in Canada with confidence and ease. You will likely have enough to do with the psychological aspects of packing and transitioning your life without having to do all the physical work yourself.

Finally, some of my clients have one or more family member come to help them pack and move back to Canada. Another great option compared to doing it all yourself. For obvious reasons this scenario is most common when their move is between the U.S. and Canada.

And a bit of fun: When you moved at age 25 you had pizza and beer to thank your friends and family. Now? At 65 you open a nice bottle or two of Cabernet Sauvignon or Chardonnay. Hey, tastes change over time! ;-)

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Health care in Canada

The topic of health care in Canada is a complex one. For this reason, I wrote a dedicated resource for it. The focus is on the difference between the health care systems of the U.S. and Canada, but the content will be useful for Canadians returning from any country. The resource:

Health Care in Canada - For returning Canadians

Some health care considerations specifically for retiring in Canada

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Bringing your vehicle to Canada

Crossing the Canada / USA border when you retire in Canada

This section applies only to Canadians moving back from the U.S. because you can generally only "import" your vehicle if it was originally purchased in the USA or Canada.

The main considerations Canadians returning to retire in Canada have are the importation paperwork, taxes/duties, and possible minor modifications to meet Canadian regulations. Some thoughts specifically for bringing your vehicle back from the U.S.:

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Legal paperwork and border issues

Many people can remember when coming into Canada through airports and by land border crossings was not an easy and comfortable process. Lineups, feeling vulnerable, having your belongings searched, and being treated suspiciously by "border guards" may still be very much fresh in the minds of people who are over the age of 50. I can clearly remember visiting Hungary when I was 12 years old when it was still behind the "Iron Curtain". Crossing the borders there was nerve was going through border control when we arrived back in Canada!

Thankfully, all that is behind us and coming back to Canada to visit or retire is really pretty easy. There is some paperwork required for crossing the border if you have household goods coming after you arrive or if you are importing your vehicle, a wine collection and/or firearms, etc. However, the CBSA staff at the border are normally really helpful, polite and, well...Canadian. Be prepared, organized, open, clear, honest, patient, and friendly and you will in all likelihood be met with polite, friendly, professional, and simply nice CBSA officers at the border or airport when you arrive!

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The solo retiree: Moving back to Canada on your own

Retiring solo to Canada by circumstance or by choice

If you are a single retiree returning to Canada the move can be scary, relieving, or exciting depending on your life circumstances and how big this change is for you personally. If you wish you had someone beside you to make this move with? Trust that couples preparing for a return have it just as hard...or harder. For couples there can be complicated family dynamics to navigate, an array of friends they are leaving, mixed needs and wishes between them (maybe one wants to return and the other doesn't!), and more. Retiring "solo" to Canada can actually be easier in many ways!

Moving back to Canada alone does comes with some very specific considerations. This became clear to me after working with many single clients returning to Canada from the U.S. and abroad. These considerations apply to all solo retirees - widows, widowers, divorced, or simply those who are single and never married. One client I am supporting is 97 years old and returning to Canada on her own so you can imagine the special needs she has! Here are specific areas to consider and some thoughts to help you plan for a successful solo retirement move to Canada:

Moving near family

I visited a wonderful solo retiree client of mine who moved back to Canada from Australia. After some small health concerns arose while living there she chose to move back to be near her daughter. While not serious, her health concerns did make clear that as she gets older it might be helpful and emotionally supportive to be near a close family member.

Our conversation took a surprising turn, however. My client explained that while she had been away from Canada her daughter and family had gotten on with their lives and simply arriving back in Canada did not mean that everybody immediately integrated her into their lives. As a result, my client had to create her own life, independent of her daughter and family.

Thankfully, this was not a problem! My client is a strong, independent person who quickly grasped the reality of her situation. Now, just a few months into her life in Canada she has a social group of others who had all moved to Canada from Australia, she is planning to spend a few months every winter in a warm climate with a solo female friend of hers, and she is building a support group for herself here in Canada comprised of other retirees.

But what if a solo retiree does not feel strong and independent? What if they move back planning and expecting to be supported by one or more family member and integrated into the family, only to be surprised when it doesn't happen the way they hoped and expected?

A real example of a personal acquaintance of our family: A female solo retiree in her 80's decided to move to Bellville, ON to be near one of her daughters. Her daughter moved away. So the retiree moved to Ottawa the next year to be near one of her sons in the city. He was too far away so the next year she moved into the same building he was in. He moved to a different building and was busy with work. So she moved to a town on Lake Erie the next year to be near another daughter but she was busy with her work and family and couldn't be of much support. Then in 2023 she moved back to Ottawa to be near her son there. Now 88 years old she is again chasing a family member who will be physically near and will take care of her.

With full compassion for her and the need we all have to feel safe in our older years perhaps it might have been easier to set up a different arrangement, one built on a group of mutually supportive seniors instead of expecting family members to commit to being her dedicated support team? And perhaps starting the building of a support network, team, and system earlier in retirement might have been wise?


When a retiree couple moves back to Canada they have each other as primary support.

When a solo retiree returns to Canada, they have only themself as primary support during the journey home and while settling in. It is therefore important to consider ahead of a move what support might be needed and where that support will come from. I am not trying to scare solo retirees but instead suggesting that expectations and plans be openly considered and discussed with Canadian family and friends to be sure they will really unfold in the desired manner.

And of important note: Your family may say with complete sincerity that they will provide the support you need but they may not understand at the time what that support entails and what your expectations are. And their life circumstances may change over time, changing their ability to do so. Ultimately it is best to ask this tough question to yourself right now:

"Can my family be, and will they be, as supportive as I need and want them to be if I move back to live near them?""

Which leads to the next point...

Your emotional support team will likely be in-person and virtual

Building on the above consideration, here is something to think about: In the past, when long distance phone call costs were high and there was no internet available, being physically close to your support team (a close family member and friends) was the only way to be emotionally close as well. A letter or once-a-month telephone call did not provide the same emotional support one might need in one's retirement years. In the past, people needed to be physically near each other. Now, everyone in the world is only an instant text message, email, inexpensive phone call, or free Skype/Zoom video conversation away!


There is now a difference between physical in-person connection and emotional connection. They are not necessarily required to be together. While in-person connection is still a very human need and very important from this human perspective a close "emotional connection" with a dear friend or family member does not require them to be physically close to you.

This is really important to understand!

If you are moving to be near an adult child who you expect to support you both physically and emotionally it may come as a shock if this arrangement does not come to fruition. They may move away. They may be busy with their own lives. They have their own life challenges. And they are connected to their own in-person and virtual communities who provide all the support they need. You need them...but they do not need you.

Consider your support needs when you retire to Canada Suggestion: Consider who you need in your life to help with your physical and emotional support needs. Would you get the physical and emotional support you need from your family in Canada? If not how can you find and build a physical and emotional support community that will meet your needs? And where are these people in Canada or elsewhere in the world?

Day-to-day and emergency support

OK, this may be the biggest challenge of all...or the biggest enabler of a joyful retirement lifestyle in Canada for you.

Scenario 1: A retiree who moves back, finds themselves increasingly lonely, frustrated by a lack of day-to-day support for shopping and logistics, no social group who understands them, no family doctor established and trusted medical support team available, and scared about what will happen in an emergency.

Scenario 2: A retiree moves back to Canada. They immediately and determinedly seek out a group of other seniors for both social and active events, find a nearby drop-in medical clinic and other needed care professionals, arrange with one or more retirees in their apartment/condo building to provide mutual day-to-day and emergency support for each other, and starts building friendships.


A successful solo retirement move to Canada requires not just logistics planning, but a clear and open picture of what support will be needed and how to get it. The world has changed! Traditional family support and social networks are usually not as available as they were in past. You may still have such a system if you have lived in a location for decades, but now most solo retirees must consciously create their own support system and social connections if they move back to Canada.

Why move back to Canada at all?

Retiring to Canada part-time and then somewhere warm in the winter!

The biggest surprise for me after working with solo retiree clients is that many are not choosing to move back to Canada full-time! Once they figured out the above realities they choose to either move to a different place in the world or only move back to Canada part-time. Some of my clients put one foot down in Canada and the other foot down in the U.S., Portugal, Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador, Thailand or other countries.

Some simply leave Canada again and move to a new country (and typically a warm one!) which has a great "retiree visa", such as most of the countries above have.

On a January visit to Puerto Vallarta in Mexico the condo building we stayed in was populated largely by expatriate retiree Canadians and many of them were single! What a wonderful supportive community they were for each other. They taught each other how to thrive in Mexico, offered logistics and emotional support, and were extremely welcoming to newcomers. I learned from them that Mexico even offers a retiree-specific residency visa and modest-cost health care insurance for expatriate residents! Wow!


This is the 21st century. As a solo retiree - either by circumstance or choice - you have opportunities that were never before available in history to live where you wish in the world. Using the internet and international travel and mobility you can find community and support in many places while keeping in touch with family and friends in Canada or anywhere in the world.

Yes, it takes courage and strength to choose a lifestyle that will really support and excite you. But from what I have seen from dozens of inspirational clients and other retirees who I have connected with the pay-off is huge! Whether you are 60, 70, 80 or older you can do it!

The retirees in Puerto Vallarta mentioned above had a bit of fun with us: They casually mentioned that a friend of theirs would be moving down to Puerto Vallarta from Belleville Ontario. ("Sooooo...?" I thought) They paused and with a grin one then said:

"He's 94 years old and tired of the cold in Ontario."

Yes, even in your 90's it is possible to take big action to create a retirement that meets your needs and delights you!

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Contributions & Feedback, please!

Please share your learning and experiences, and suggest improvements to this resource page, so that other Canadians moving back to Canada to retire may benefit from your wisdom!

Thank you!

Paul Kurucz

Latest update to this resource: January 2024.

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Paul Kurucz

Would you like help with your move?

Paul Kurucz

Would you like help with your move?

Paul Kurucz

I offer professional support to help you prepare for a smooth and easy return to Canada so you can feel confident and organized!

Your questions about when to move back, taxes, investments and finances, bringing back your household belongings, health care, and more will be answered promptly and professionally, with resources to back up what you need. My 20 years of supporting over 1,300 clients gives me a depth of expertise across all aspects of planning and returning to Canada.

Paul Kurucz - Canada

A happy client:

Hi Paul,

Just to update you - we landed and sailed through customs! So thank you so much for all of your advice...It was a thoroughly pleasant experience.

This is to say thank you for everything. Your advisory has been so incredibly helpful and saved us considerable time and removed room for error.

With best wishes,


Paul's professional support

Moving Back to Canada Planner!

Planner / Checklist for your move to CanadaA ready-made and up-to-date planner of questions, considerations, and actions to take as you prepare for your move back to Canada, organized on a timeline approach. Save hours of work and stress of trying to piece everything together. A companion tool to the full content on this web site.

Now available for immediate download. In easily editable Microsoft Word format so you can customize it to meet your planning needs. Also in PDF format.

NEW! If you are in the U.S. and moving back to Canada quickly your purchase includes a new edition as well: "Moving back to Canada from the U.S. in 30 days or less", in Word and PDF formats.

Testimonials: "Your moving guides and checklists are unbelievably helpful - frankly I don't know what I would do without them. You have covered everything including many, many things I would not have thought of. Thank you!!!" - C.W. April 2022. "The list of tasks is very helpful as I’m a list person. Just love checking off the boxes!" and "I must say I truly appreciate having purchased your guide to moving back to Canada. While we are still a couple months away it has really helped me keep all the "balls in the air".

Bonus #1 ! Includes the guide: "Canada in 2024: 10 Insights to Empower Your New Life in Canada." Written by Paul Kurucz from his experience helping over 1,500 clients return to Canada, this guide will help you better understand the Canada you are coming back to!

Bonus #2 ! Includes the "Real Estate Selling and Moving Checklist" to help you prepare for your move back to Canada if you will be selling your house, townhouse, or condominium!

Purchase and Download now:


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Content from the Moving Back To Canada web site by Paul Kurucz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License for non-commercial, personal use.